The Young Scientist program was introduced by Professor Sam Silver (URSI President from 1966 to 1969) during an URSI board meeting in February 1967. He proposed “each national committee nominate one or two young research workers in their countries who should be specially invited by the president of URSI to attend the general assembly. This would be a tremendous encouragement for young people and would stimulate their interest and participation in the work of the union. Moreover this should contribute to bringing fresh talent to the general assembly.” He also proposed a special fund to facilitate the participation of young scientists at URSI general assemblies. Since then, hundreds of young researchers have been awarded during the URSI flagship meetings (URSI GASS, URSI AT-RASC, URSI AP-RASC).
A limited number of Young Scientist Awards (EMTS-YSA) are available also at the EMTS 2025. To qualify for an YSA, an applicant must
- be the principal author of a paper, accepted for presentation at the Conference.
- be under 35 years of age on June 23, 2025;
Visit the website for further information!